The SES420 family of vacuum packages are targeted at transformer dry out applications but can be custom engineered for other industrial applications on request. The SES420 series is packaged in four standard size ranges ( 375,700,1200,1650 CFM) with backing vacuum pump type, booster bypass, and VFD atmospheric startup options. These systems are available as stand-alone skids, stand-alone cargo trailer packages, and SES320 oil processor integrated.
SES420 Highlights
Two Stage Systems
Direct Drive Booster Pumps
375, 700, 1200, 1650 CFM Standard Flow Ranges
Dry Screw, Two Stage Piston, Rotary Vane Backing Pump Options
VFD Atmospheric Booster Start and Internal Bypass Booster Options
The SES420 can be stand-alone skid-mounted, packaged in an easy-to-tow cargo trailer, or integrated into a SES320 Conditioning System or a SES441 Filtration system.
Oil Sealed Rotary Vane
Vane pumps are the least expensive option and require the most maintenance time and cost. The single stage vane pump supported packages have a slightly high ultimate vacuum than the screw and piston supported pumps. Single Stage Oil Sealed Rotary Piston
Piston pumps are time proven, more robust than vane pumps, and less expensive to repair than screw pumps. Air cooled pumps are available in the SES420-275 & SES420-700 sizes. In the larger sizes the piston pumps are liquid cooled and come with an air cooled closed loop cooling ciruit. Two Stage Oil Sealed Rotary Piston
When using vane or single stage piston pumps performanace is affected by seal oil quality. Two-stage piston pump design eliminates this problem, providing consistent performance even when operated with seal oil containing large amounts of water contamination. The ultimate performance and throughput will be slightly less than an equivalent screw pump supported package.
Dry Compression Rotary Screw
Dry screw pump supported systems will provide the lowest ultimate vacuum pressures, as well as the highest throughputs, and do it consistently whenever the pump is turned on. There is no seal oil to degrade and affect pump performance. No seal oil means no routine oil changes. Maintenance time and related cost is a fraction of what a piston or vane pumps costs to maintain. The dry screw pumps are also among the most expensive backing pump option to purchase and repair. The SES40-375 dry screw option is a single stage system.
Non-Bypass Vacuum Booster
Standard is an Aerzen direct drive Roots-style rotary lobe booster w/o an internal bypass valve. A pressure cutin switch is provided. Cutin pressures will range between 10 - 15 torr depending on the package size and backing pump selected. Optional VFD Controlled Vacuum Booster
VFD control is added to the standard Aerzen direct drive Roots-style rotary lobe booster. Atmospheric startup is provided. A pressure cutin switch is not required. The booster will be utilized at a reduced speed through the entire pump down range. Transformer pump down times will be reduced by about 20%.Optional Bypass Vacuum Booster
An optional Leybold direct drive Roots-style rotary lobe booster with an internal bypass valve is available. The bypass valves closes at 35 torr. A pressure cutin switch is provided to eliminate valve high-pressure range. Cutin pressure will be 35 torr.
SES420 Standard Features
Available System Options
Skid Mounting
Cargo Trailer Mounting